Start Usage Meter 2.5.6 has been reviewed and approved by Apple and is now available on the Mac App Store.
This update includes improvements to the user interface. Specifically, this update:
- Contains improvements to the Daily Usage window user interface. This includes (but is not limited to) correcting UI glitches that result in some rows appearing bold when they should not and improving spacing for better readability.
- Added information text to provide clarity about the highlighted row on the Daily Usage window.
- The Daily Usage window will now use the operating system’s default system font.
I hope everyone is staying safe during these trying times.
This update remains compatible with all releases of OS X from OS X Lion to macOS Catalina as of writing. I will always work to maintain compatibility with older versions of OS X for as long as I can; however, the best Start Usage Meter experience is on the latest version of macOS.