Start Usage Meter 2.6 Released

New modern app build

Note: Users running OS X 10.7 to OS X 10.8 or earlier must use Start Usage Meter, which is available from my website as an app verified by Apple and notarized. If you are running OS X 10.9 or later, then you should use the Mac App Store version as usual.

Start Usage Meter 2.6 has been approved by Apple and is now available on the Mac App Store. As previously mentioned, this version only supports macOS 10.9 and later.

This app has native support for Apple Silicon (looking at you M1 chip!). This marks the first version of Start Usage Meter that includes a universal binary. This update also contains a few fixes to polish the app. It also includes some minor UI tweaks for macOS Big Sur.

  • Modernized many parts of the application to use newer macOS technologies!
  • Native support for Apple Silicon. The app is now a universal binary
  • Fixes an issue where the daily usage window would not highlight the row representing today
  • Icon improvements for Big Sur
  • UI enhancements